James M. Dubik, PhD
Senior Strategy Mentor
Husband, father, grandfather; uncle, son, and brother; leader; innovator; author; retired army general with over 37 years of active service; former infantryman, paratrooper, and ranger.
PhD in philosophy from the Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Arts and Science from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Former professor, Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic Studies. Author: Just War Reconsidered: Strategy, Ethics, and Theory. Waging War and Using Force, forthcoming. Co-author with General Gordon Sullivan: Envisioning future Warfare. Contributing Author, Army Magazine. Published over 200 essays, articles, monographs, and opeds.
Quoted in numerous print and on-line media. Frequent lecturer, panel member, and media analyst on national security issues. President and CEO of Dubik Associates, an international consulting firm with a focus on leader development, organizational change, and national strategic and intelligence issues.
Board Member and Trustee of the Leadership Roundtable, Senior Fellow at the Institute for the Study of War and the Institute of Land Warfare; advisor and instructor, Strategic Education International: member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Security Advisory Council, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition; 2012-2013 General Omar N. Bradley Chair in Strategic Leadership cosponsored by the Army War College, Dickinson College, and Penn State Law School; member of the U.S. Recipient of the 2017 Thomas B. Hagan Dignitas Award. Instructor in the Hertog War Studies Program conducted through the Institute for the Study of War.
Army Ranger Hall of Fame as well as a distinguished member of the U.S. Army 75th Ranger Regiment.